Profinet Driver | Siemens Desigo | Trend IQ | Emerson CPC | Emerson Site Supervisor | Emerson IONet | Schneider OVA | Notifier AM | TecnoAlarm | Honeywell Galaxy
Dixell X-Web | Dixell X-Web Evo | Carel Driver | Danfoss Lon | Danfos Danbuss | Danfoss Adap Kool | ALC WebCTRL | Soap Driver | Euromap63 | MT Connect | MC Accruent | HelvarNet
The Profinet driver makes possible the integration of PLC Siemens S7 series control devices into Niagara Framework. All components of the driver, devices and detected points are perfectly integrated into Niagara Workbench, allowing a better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems and consequently lower costs.
The use of JACE, together with the QL Profinet driver, allows to manage PLC Siemens S7 control devices non only with the native supervision system (Niagara Supervisor) but also with other supervisory systems (eg. SCADA) fitted with standard communication protocol (Modbus, BACnet, oBIX, etc).
- Drivers for communication with proprietary protocol TCP/IP.
- Setting the configuration parameters of the communication.
- Auto discovery of PLC Siemens S7 devices on the local LAN network.
- Alarm management for lack communication with PLC Siemens S7 devices.
- Read/Write of the DB (Data Block Memory) and M (Internal Memory) native points in multivariable mode.
- Reading PLC status (Run / Stop).
- PLC date and time management with synchronization.
- Reading of all PLC system information (serial-number, firmware version, PLC name and model).

The Siemens Desigo driver allows direct connection between Siemens Desigo PX controllers and Tridium Niagara 4 devices. It provides an effective solution for retrofitting of small and medium-sized building management systems, facilitates the integration of multiple protocols. The driver implements the BACnet protocol over the LonTalk protocol in the Niagara framework. This type of protocol transmits BACnet data over LonWorks FTT-10 physical support. BACnet objects contain various self-documented attributes, which highly simplify the integration process. The driver is able to search for connected controllers, discover points, time programs and alarms. Point names, states and physical units are automatically imported into the Niagara system. This saves enginering time and reduces potential errors.
- Communication with all BACnet devices over LonTalk.
- Use of standard LonWorks FTT-10 option cards.
- Discovery function of devices supported.
- Discovery function of the points supported with all the characteristics from the devices (including type, description and measurement units).
- Support of points updating in polling or change-of-value (COV) mode..
- Support of standard and virtual points.
- Auto discovery of schedulers and calendars.
- Reading / writing of weekly schedulers and calendars.
- Historical logs auto discovery.
- Import of historical log data.
- Support of date and time synchronization of devices.
- Support in receiving and acknowledging alarms from devices.
Supported Devices
PXC12.D, PXC12-T.D, PXC22.D, PXC22-T.D, PXC36.D, PXC36-T.D, PXC12, PXC12-T, PXC22, PXC22-T, PXC36, PXC36-S, PXC52 PXC10-TL, PXC50.D, PXC100.D, PXC200.D, PXC64-U, PXC128-U, PXC00.D,PXC00-U, PXC-NRUF, PXR11, PXR12
The TrendIQ driver makes possible to integrate TREND IQ series devices in Tridium’s NIAGARA framework. All driver components, the devices, the detected points, the histories, the alarms and the schedulers are perfectly integrated in Niagara Workbench; this allows a better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems, with lower cost results.
The driver uses an IP connection and, through a Trend VirtualCNC, is able to support the following families of devices associated with a Trend Lan:
- IQ1
- IQ2
- IQ3
- IQ4
- IQEco
- IP driver developed using the NDriver Development Framework.
- Supported device Discovery function.
- Supported points Discovery function with detection of unit of measure.
- Optimized communication of the subscribed points through polling.
- Supported historical data Discovery function with unit measurement based on source points.
- Historical data import function.
- Schedulers Discovery function.
- Weekly scheduler export function optimized only for periods subject to variation.
- Supported virtual points.
The Emerson CPC driver for JACE makes possible the integration of the following Einstein control devices: CPC BX (HVAC), CX (Convenience Stores) and RX (Refrigeration) Series E1 and E2 into Niagara Framework. All components of the driver, device, detected points, histories and schedules are perfectly integrated into Niagara Workbench and this allows better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems, which results in lower costs. The use of JACE, together with the Emerson CPC driver, allows to manage the Einstein control devices over that with the native supervision system (Niagara Supervisor) and also with other supervisory systems (eg. SCADA), fitted with standard communication protocol (Modbus, BACnet, oBIX, etc.).
- Drivers for communication with proprietary protocol TCP/IP
- Setting the configuration parameters of the communication
- Auto discovery of Einstein devices on the network LAN
- Alarm management for lack communication with Einstein devices
- Auto discovery of the native points
- Read/Write of the native points boolean and numeric with management of the states of alarm and override values
- Supports point attributes (average, maximum, minimum, runtime, cycles, etc.)
- Supports standard and virtual points
- Auto discovery of native scheduler
- Read/Write native schedulers and changing the weekly schedule
- Auto discovery of native history log
- Importing historical data of native logs
- Points are automatically imported into the station, inheriting all the features from devices (including type, description and unit of measure)
The Emerson SITE driver allows the integration of Emerson Site Supervisor devices into Niagara N4 framework by Tridium, allowing interoperability with other systems that communicate with standard and/or proprietary protocols. The driver can be used with Tridium Niagara N4 platforms where a station is present, such as the JACE, and is perfectly integrated into the Workbench N4 programming tool. All driver components, devices, points are perfectly integrated into the framework, this allows a better efficiency in system engineering and maintenance and, consequentially, cost efficiency.
Key Features
- Drivers for communication with API proprietary protocol HTTP/HTTPS.
- Auto discovery of Emerson devices on the local LAN network.
- Setting the configuration parameters of the communication.
- Discovery function of “Applications” in Emerson devices.
- Points are automatically imported into the station, inheriting all the features from devices (including type, description and unit of measure).
- Read/Write native data points – boolean and numeric – with value override management.

The Emerson IONet driver, along with QCONTAX IONet gateway, allows the integration of Emerson CPC IO-Net field modules (MultiFlex board) into Niagara Framework. The driver can be used on Tridium JACE stations. All driver components, the devices, the detected points, the histories, the alarms and the schedulers are perfectly integrated in Niagara Workbench; this allows a better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems, with lower cost results.
- Communication driver, with IONet protocol.
- Function to discover the “Device”.
- Function to discover the “Points”.
The driver can directly communicate via IONet with the Emerson IO boards.
In order to use the driver EmersonIoNet you must use QCONTAX IONet which can communicate both in serial or IP mode.
The SchneiderOVA driver allows to integrate the Dardo Plus controllers into Niagara Framework. The driver can be used on Tridium JACE stations. All driver components, the devices, the detected points, the histories, the alarms and the schedulers are perfectly integrated in Niagara Workbench; this allows a better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems, with lower cost results.
- Communication driver with RS485 protocol.
- Function to discover the “Device”.
- Function to discover the “Points”.
- Managing the synchronization of date and time of the controller.
The driver can directly communicate via RS485 with Dardo Plus controller or powered under rescuer.
The Notifier AM-Series driver allows the integration of the Italian Notifier’s AM Series fire panels (AM2000 – AM4000 – AM6000 – AM8000) into Niagara Framework. The driver can be used on all platforms where a station is running (Supervisor and JACE).
The use of JACE, together with the Notifier driver, allows to manage the Notifier’s fire panels with the native supervision system (Niagara Supervisor) and also with other supervision systems (eg. SCADA), fitted with standard communication protocol (Modbus, BACnet, oBIX, etc.).
All driver components, the devices, the detected points, the histories, the alarms and the schedulers are perfectly integrated in Niagara Workbench; this allows a better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems, with lower cost results.
- Communication driver with CEI-ABI serial protocol or through IP-serial converter.
- Configuration of the communication parameters of the RS-232/485 serial interface.
- Discovering function for central units, sensors and zones.
- Automatic import of the type and description of sensors and zones from the central unit.
- Automatic association of sensors to zones based on the configuration of the central unit.
- Management of alarms and faults of sensors, zones and control panels.
- Management of exclusion commands on sensors and zones.
- Management of date and time synchronization commands, acknowledge and reset on the central unit.
- Event log import from the central unit.
- ExportBACnet Utility: this utility allows the automatic split of a composite variable into several states (status, command, analog value) to make exporting to the BACnet network easier, avoiding manual duplication of points.
The Tecnoalarm driver allows the integration of Tecnoalarm’s TP series (TP8-64 BUS – 256-TP16 – TP16-512) security panels into Niagara Framework. The driver can be used on the Tridium JACE stations and allows to manage the Tecnoalarm security panels with the native supervisor (Supervisor) and also with other monitoring systems (eg. SCADA), fitted with standard communication protocol (Modbus, BACnet, oBIX, etc.). All driver components, the devices, the detected points, the histories, the alarms and the schedulers are perfectly integrated in Niagara Workbench; this allows a better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems, with lower cost results.
- Communication driver, with RS232 serial protocol or native IP or through IP-serial converters.
- Setting configuration parameters of serial communication on RS-232 or IP interface.
- Discovering function of all the connected devices (sirens, keypads, modules, etc..).
- Function to discover the intrusion areas.
- Function to discover the insertion programs.
- Function to discover schedulers.
- Function to discover remote commands (Eg remote controls).
- Alarm management.
- Management of the synchronization of the date and time of the control panel.
- Event log import from the control panel.
he Galaxy driver allows the integration of Honeywell Galaxy security panels into Niagara Framework. The driver can be used on all Tridium Niagara platforms where a station is running (JACE or Supervisor). The use of JACE together with the Honeywell Galaxy drivers, allows to manage the Honeywell Galaxy security panels with the native supervision system (Web Supervisor) and also with other supervision systems (eg. SCADA), fitted with standard communication protocol (Modbus, BACnet, oBIX, etc.). All driver components, the devices, the detected points, the histories, the alarms and the schedulers are perfectly integrated in Niagara Workbench; this allows a better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems, with lower cost results.
- Communication drivers, with SIA protocol serial RS-232 or IP, for the supervision of the intrusion detection system Honeywell Galaxy.
- Setting the configuration parameters of the serial communication interface of RS-232 or IP.
- Discovering function for the RIO modules.
- Function to discover user profiles in the central unit.
- Function to discover the managed areas in each RIO module.
- Function to discover the groups managed by the Panel of the central unit.
- Automatic import of digital outputs handled in each RIO module.
- Management of the panels of the central unit and acquisition firmware version and integrated login feature.
- Management controls on outputs, zones and groups (with automatic support for exporting to BACnet).
- Managing the synchronization of date and time of the central unit.
- Event log import from the control panel.
The Dixell driver allows the integration of the X-Web Dixell system in Niagara Framework. The Dixell driver can be used on all Tridium Niagara framework in which there is a station (Supervisor or JACE). All driver components, the devices, the detected points, the histories, the alarms and the schedulers are perfectly integrated in Niagara Workbench; this allows a better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems, with lower cost results.
- Communication driver, with IP protocol.
- Function to discover the “Device”.
- Function to discover the “Points”.
The driver can communicate directly via IP with the controllers Dixel X-Web.

The Dixell XWEB EVO driver allows the integration of Dixel Evo devices into Tridium’s Niagara N4 Framework, allowing interoperability with other systems that communicate with standard and/or proprietary protocols. The driver can be used under all Tridium Niagara N4 platforms where a station is present, such as the JACE, and is perfectly integrated into the Workbench N4 programming tool. All driver components, devices and points are perfectly integrated into the framework; this allows a better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems, with lower cost results.
The driver can only communicate via IP with Dixell Evo controllers.
Key Features
- Communication Driver, with HTTP/HTTPS protocol.
- Function to discover the “Device”.
- Function to discover the “Points”.
The Carel driver allows to integrate all Carel devices with proprietary protocol into Niagara Framework. The driver can be used on Tridium JACE stations. All driver components, the devices, the detected points, the histories, the alarms and the schedulers are perfectly integrated in Niagara Workbench; this allows a better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems, with lower cost results.
- Communication driver, with RS485 protocol.
- Function to discover the “Device”.
- Function to discover the “Points”.
The driver can communicate with the device equipped with the appropriate RS485 serial interface (IROPZ48500 or IROPZ485S0).
The Danfoss Lonworks driver allows to easily integrate the Danfoss EKC device series into Niagara Framework, with its associated LonWorks OptionCard and the LonWorks driver for the JACE. The driver can be used on JACE stations of Tridium. All driver components, the devices, the detected points, the histories, the alarms and the schedulers are perfectly integrated in Niagara Workbench; this allows a better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems, with lower cost results.
- Communication driver, with LonWorks protocol through the Danfoss TP78-05 module (Network Bridge FTT10-485).
- Function to discover the “Device” (prerequisite Driver LonWorks).
- Function to discover the “Points” directly from the device.
The driver can communicate with the device using the appropriate Danfoss LON OptionCard.
The Danfoss Danbuss driver allows to integrate Danfoss AKC device series using the Danfoss AKA-241 PC-Gateway into Niagara Framework. The driver can be used on JACE stations of Tridium. All driver components, the devices, the detected points, the histories, the alarms and the schedulers are perfectly integrated in Niagara Workbench; this allows a better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems, with lower cost results.
- Communication driver, with RS-232 Danbuss protocol.
- Function to discover the “Device”.
- Function to discover the “Points”.

The driver Danfoss ADAP-KOOL enables full integration of Tridium Niagara with Danfoss ADAP-KOOL controllers via their System Manager AK-SM. The communication is API XML HTTP/HTTPS based, so no extra cabling is required. Field controllers can be connected to the System Manager via various Danfoss protocols (LonWorks, proprietary Modbus, Danbuss). All field controllers and their points can be automatically discovered along with their names, types and facets. The protocol is optimized to request multiple points in a single request.
Key Features
- Communicates via system managers AK-SM with all ADAP-KOOL series controllers
- Supports Danfoss LON-RS485, LON-TP, Modbus e Danbuss.
- Allows automatic device and point discovery
- Automatically determines point name, type and facets
- Supports point reading and writing
- Point group reading to save bandwidth
The WebCTRL driver makes it possible to integrate the Automated Logics WebCTRL system into Niagara Framework. The driver supports basic communication with the controller using the SOAP protocol. All driver components, the devices, the detected points, the histories, the alarms and the schedulers are perfectly integrated in Niagara Workbench; this allows a better efficiency in the design and maintenance of the systems, with lower cost results.
- Points Discovery Function based on Web Services SOAP getChildren / getFilteredChildren directly from WebCTRL system using the same data structure and names with the possibility of translating measurement units.
- Reading and writing points through Web Services SOAP getValue / setValues

The SoapDriver is a software module integrated into the Niagara framework that allows to obtain information using SOAP protocol from a third-part device equipped with WebServer integrated with version 1.2 SOAP support and enable to turn the information into points that can be used for your project. The Soap driver can be used on all Tridium Niagara frameworks, where a station is running (Supervisor or JACE).
- Communication driver with IP protocol.
- Support to “Basic”authentication scheme.
- “Discover” function of availble WebServices.
- “Populate Parameters” function to configure WebService requests.
- “Detect Points” function for displaying information provided by WebService.
- Configuration of the Polling interval for automatic information update.
- “Flat List” function for grouping structured information.
The Euromap 63 driver allows to integrate devices that support the Euromap 63 standard with other standard automation protocols by using Tridium Niagara N4 Framework.
The driver can only be used on Tridium Niagara N4 Supervisor (PC, server, but is not supported by JACE) and is fully integrated into the Niagara Workbench. All driver components, devices and acquired points are perfectly integrated into the framework, this allows a better efficiency in systems engineering and maintenance with lower costs.
- Communication driver trough files.
- “Points” discover function.

The MT Connect driver is the ideal solution for integrating MT Connect devices with other standard automation protocols by using Tridium Niagara N4 Framework.
The driver can be used on all Tridium Niagara N4 platforms where there is a station, such as the JACE and is perfectly integrated into the Niagara Workbench. All driver components are perfectly integrated into the framework, this allows a better efficiency in systems engineering and maintenance whit lower costs.
- Communication driver with http protocol.
- “Points” discover function.
- Compatible from version or later of MT Connect.
The MCAccruent driver allows the integration of the Accruent CMMS Maintenance Connection (MC) system within the Tridium Niagara N4 framework. The driver can only be used on Tridium’s N4 ‘supervisor’ type platforms (PCs, servers, but is not supported by a JACE) and is fully integrated into the Niagara Workbench.
All driver components, assets and acquired meters are fully integrated into the framework, enabling better efficiency in systems engineering and maintenance.
- Discovering of all assets in Maintenance Connection (MC) system for the binding with Niagara.
- Synchronization of asset measurements with Niagara points (runtimes, activations, consumption, etc.).
- Automatic work order activation using standard Niagara alarms.
- Work order statis update using real-time data from Niagara.
- Display of the asset work orders directly on Px views.

The HelvarNet communication driver enables advanced integration of Helvar lighting control systems onto Tridium’s Niagara IoT platform. Thanks to its smart features, it offers simplified use and reduces installation times.
The integration of Helvar devices in Niagara Framework® allows to effectively monitor the entire system, report any faults, receive signals and notifications via e-mail, recall light scenarios, plan events and control energy consumption.
- Discovering WorkGroups and associated Helvar Routers.
- Discovering and controlling groups in WorkGroups.
- Discovering all input and output devices managed by router subnets.
- Discovering all the states and measurement values on devices.
- Recall-scene, recall-level and proportional functions on groups and devices.
- Reading of energy consumption of the groups or directly from the DALI output devices.
- Reading of states and measurement values on devices.
- Flexible license management.
Advanced capabilities
- Router date and time synchronization.
- Group management with router fail-over mechanism.
- Smart components to simplify the integration of commands with Niagara logic.
- Recall-scene, recall-level and proportional actions with parameters for simplified use in Niagara user interface widgets.
- Optimized communication management to ensure maximum stability and reliability.
- Smart component for calculating cumulative values/states among devices.