Building control and supervision systems evolve to offer increasingly automated and digitized processes that can help companies and organizations move from a type of reactionary maintenance to more modern and cheaper preventive maintenance.
This is the case of the EasyLink supervisor, already known and appreciated for its flexibility, which now offer the possibility of being enhanced with the optional EasyAnalytics module

EasyAnalytics is an optional software module of the Supervisor EasyLink; it allows the integration and the simplified use of the Framework Analytics of Tridium inside EasyLink.
Thanks to a simple and intuitive user interface, it is possible to manage the analysis of historical and real-time data, to develop optimization strategies for the entire integrated system.
A powerful Chart Builder allows to create a library of custom, reusable charts on graphical views, analytic reports and dashboards to help visualize operations and remove inefficiencies. It is ideal for proactive plant management to identify anomalies and assist the operator in implementing corrective actions.

EasyAnalytics provides sophisticated analysis that allows to identify data anomalies early and implement automated control strategies based on the real need of the equipment maintenance, rather than on a scheduled date of intervention. Fast identification of anomalies helps you make smart decisions to keep mission-critical systems running, rather than waiting for problems.

Based on data analysis, users can discover and manage previously unknown operational problems by moving from a correction model to a predictive maintenance model. This allows to improve operations with less time, less work, less waste and less expense, with a return on investment in a short time.

Easy Configuration
Configuration time is reduced thanks to the native integration with EasyLink, the Niagara-based supervisory system, and to the possibility of customizing the basic algorithm according to your needs directly from the system.
Easy Management
- EasyAnalytics allows simplified configuration of algorithms and definitions using wizards and online viewing of documentation for ease of use via browser.
- There is a library of defined algorithms that can be customized and used for analysis operations, which can later be saved as templates and reused.
- Simplified setup of analytical alarms based on previously created configurations allows to send automatic notifications to warn the user in real time.
Intuitive and customizable graphical interface
- Perfectly integrated into the EasyLink user interface, the dedicated Chart-builder allows the visualization of analytical results and standard historical data in a single chart and allows the creation of a library of customized graphs, reusable on graphical views, analytical reports and dashboards to help visualize operations and address inefficiencies.